Monday, September 26, 2005


Sara got the call today! They offered her the job she wanted! They said $31,000 and she talked them up to $32,500 which is good I guess. Her health benefits start from day 1 on Nov 7th. I'm started making more money at my job, not a ton but it's better then nothing. I'm semi looking at other options including part-time not fun jobs, just so I know I have a certain amount of money coming in every week. Keep an eye out for any photo jobs you can send my way. Obviously thats how I would rather be making my money. Send people to my site:

Nothing much else is going on right now. Fall is slowly creeping in and I can't wait, I love fall.
Also, Sara and I were thinking our wedding will probably be in Ithaca at the farmers market, either fall of 2006 or 2007. It really depends when we can get our stuff together.

Ride on!

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Friday, September 23, 2005


Sara and I went on a ride for the first time in a while! It was nice, little longer then planed but we made it and it was beautiful.

Here are the stats.
Total Distance: 36.36 miles
Total Time: 2 hours 35 min
Avg. Speed: 14 mph
Max Speed: 41.0 mph

Funniest part of the ride? We were going down a hill and rode past a porta potty truck. You know the one that goes around and cleans them out and puts new smelly blue liquid into them. She obviously didn't see it because she right after going by it she says to me, "Smells like candy." I laughed pretty hard and made sure to remember the occasion.

This weekend is going to be very busy. Tomorrow I am helping the photographer I work for shoot a wedding from 10am-8pm. It should be fun and a good learning experience. Then Sunday I'm going on another wedding shoot that is paid, sweet! I got a commercial site up and running. Click here to see it It's a site that allows me to set prices for my pictures as well as prints them for me. They take part of what I charge and then I get to keep the rest as a profit. It's pretty cool. You can't really check anything out but the portfolio, which needs updating, sorry.

Ride on!

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Thursday, September 15, 2005


It looks like something I never though I'd do, is semi fun and a good money maker. This Sunday I'll be shooting my second wedding with a few more potentials coming up. While at work yesterday my boss got a call about someone wanting to shoot a wedding. She was just about to leave for Los Angles for the weekend and decided to throw it to me. Sweet! The person doesn't mind that I'm a beginner and looks forward to seeing what I can do for her. I in the meantime set my rates and am ready to hit all these full on. I'm charging $220 an hour for myself and then adding travel and good old flash batteries. Then prints are coming from an online site where I set the prices. Hopefully my pictures will sell.

My first wedding which was last weekend went off with out a hitch. Despite the super harsh lighting conditions I was able to get some semi decent shots. I don't think the results are amazing but I've always been fairly hard on myself. I also know I can do better. Here is the link to some of the pictures I took. Let me know what you think and throw my name out if anyone is looking for a photographer :-) I went all out and had some generic business cards made up as well as paying for the print site where I know I can get good results as well as make some money.

I'm getting in to things at work and will hopefully be making a little money there also. Sara is in the midst of job interviews and has already had an offer. It's okay pay with great benefits but she is still waiting on other jobs. Jobs, that seem to fit her fancy and seem better suited for her. It's nice to know there is something on the back burner if needed though.

This weekend Sara's little sister is having a birthday bash which should be fun. Lin and Chad are coming up to celebrate and visit a little, it will be nice to see them both. Now I just need to plan times to go to Providence to see the Bike and Build crew as well as Ithaca to see old friends. I guess the determining factors are when I can afford gas to get there. Hopefully, the weather will clear and I'll be able to bike tomorrow!

Ride on!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005


New post coming soon! I've been so busy. I have time off until Tuesday though, so I'll write something in the next couple days. Hopefully it will include info from a recent bike ride! Keep an eye out.

Ride on!

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I went on a bike ride, jobs fine, blah, blah, blah and there is a new iPod...

Everytime Apple's site has something new on it's home page this is what happens.
-I get really excited
-I think it's a joke and can't believe what I see
-And then I think "Apple's done it again!"
-Lastly, I wish I had one of what ever it is, and in some cases start saving.
Check out the new ipod!!

Ride on!

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ballston Spa, NY

Bike: Went for a bike ride today for the first time since that thing I did this summer, here are the stats:

Total Distance: 34.36 miles
Ride Time: 2 hours 12 min
Max Speed: 31.5 mph
Avg. Speed: 15.5 mph

Not bad I guess. We got lost which was totally bike and build style.
It was amazing being back on the bike though! I look forward to riding fairly often. I can't wait to ride during the fall when all the leaves have changed and there is a cool chill to the air. Hopefully until the weather goes bad I'll be riding to work which is only about 8 miles away. Especially now that gas is over $3 a gallon and it would cost me about $60 to fill up my tank.

Work: I am "interning" for a photographer named Emma Dodge Hanson in Saratoga Springs. The deal is I work for her for free until she see value in me and at that point will theoretically start paying me. I think I'm going to set a date and if I am not valued by then, I'm out. Personally I don't think it will be long though, I've already done a lot for her and I seem to be the most knowledgeable about both the computers and printers. Sweet!! I think once she realizes I'm a hard worker and responsible she will give me more to do and more exciting things. I have two weddings that I'm shooting on my own which will be great for experience and to bring in some money. I work again tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes.

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