Monday, September 26, 2005


Sara got the call today! They offered her the job she wanted! They said $31,000 and she talked them up to $32,500 which is good I guess. Her health benefits start from day 1 on Nov 7th. I'm started making more money at my job, not a ton but it's better then nothing. I'm semi looking at other options including part-time not fun jobs, just so I know I have a certain amount of money coming in every week. Keep an eye out for any photo jobs you can send my way. Obviously thats how I would rather be making my money. Send people to my site:

Nothing much else is going on right now. Fall is slowly creeping in and I can't wait, I love fall.
Also, Sara and I were thinking our wedding will probably be in Ithaca at the farmers market, either fall of 2006 or 2007. It really depends when we can get our stuff together.

Ride on!

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