Saturday, May 10, 2008

Election and more Update!

Well it seems the fight is finally coming to an end and Clinton will have to give up by the end of the month. Then, it will be the Democrat vs Republican fight. The Obama/Clinton saga has been on the radio, TV, papers and magazines - it's been everywhere. Throughout all the media coverage, one thing I noticed was how Obama is referred to as Black or African American. His dad was from Kenya and his mother from Kansas, but because he looks black he is considered black by the press, and even voters. In reality though, he is half Kenyan and half American. It's obviously to his advantage when it comes to the election for him to be "black" though. I talked to Amanda about it and she neither says she is white or black, she is "half black" and loves that she is. So basically, Obama won't be the first black president if he wins, he'll be the first "half black" president of the US. In other news, Friday is bike to work day and I'm going to attempt to ride to work. I was talking to Quinnen ealier this week about it and it's funny cause it's 25 miles. 25 miles now is a lot and I'm not in Bike and Build shape like I was.  When I told her it was 25 miles, she was like wow that's crazy to get to work. Then we talked about how during Bike and Build we were so happy if we had a 50 mile day.  It was basically a joke - a day off. We would sleep in and get there early, having time for some relaxing around whatever town we ended up in. Basically wish me luck this Friday, haha. Also this Fall Quinnen, Amanda and I are hopefully going to do a 50 mile ride down the Mexican coast. It's a ride that started a while ago called Rosarito Ensenada that got so big they have to do two rides a year now. I'm really excited and we are definitely going to need to train our butts off for it. If anyone else wants to come, feel free! These last few months have been busy, my friend from high school, Ed, came to visit for the weekend after being in LA for work. Right when he left another high school friend Chan came, and spent the week. He had company because Jackie was here also. We had good times, but it's nice to get back into the swing of things. Lastly, I'll be coming home to the East Coast with Amanda this summer, Aug. 22nd to Sept. 1st. Boston, CT, and Jersey, so if anyone is in the area we would love to see you. It's going to be another whirl wind tour with tons to do and not enough time. Ride on!

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