Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bored yet?!

UPDATE: HERE is someone else agreeing with me and Fake Steve Jobs.

UPDATE 2: Building less and making more money, in graphs and charts, click HERE to see them.

(Links from Gizmodo)

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Friendly Debate about AT&T

FYI: Fake Steve Jobs blog is having server issues so if you get an error just refresh and it should load...

If you haven't read the comments on my last post please do, you can click HERE to read them. Chan and I have been having a friendly discussion about the topic.

Fake Steve Jobs is at it again. And in my rebuttal to Chan, one point I made was, they HAVE to buff up their network if they want to compete in the next 10 years. The data network problems they are having now are really just starting. Here is a great quote from Fake "Steve Job's" post HERE.

"But AT&T has a much bigger problem on its hands. The problem is that the wireless data explosion is just beginning. This 3% of AT&T users who are supposedly accounting for 40% of bandwidth use? Pretty soon that 3% is going to become 30%."

And I love how he even begins to criticizes how they are spending their money, because they do have more money to spend on their network with out increasing fees.

"Go look at their financial statements (pdf) and open up the Financial Operations and Statistics Summary and look at capital expenditures over the past eight quarters. I’m no math whiz, but it looks like capex [Capital expenditures are expenditures creating future benefits.] has gone down by about 30% over the time period. Scroll down a bit to the Wireless section and check out data revenues — they’re up 80% over the same period." (Capex definition via Wikipedia)

I also would be up for something like what my friend Mark said. Where I pay $30 for unlimited but if Chan doesn't want unlimited he can pay $10 for a certain amount. But in any situation the network has to work reliably for EVERYONE.

UPDATE: Another funny fake conversation with "Steve Jobs" and "Randall Stephenson" read it HERE.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Apple and AT&T. Again.

I've posted about the issues with the iPhone and AT&T before, and if you've been following it at all. An AT&T executive (Ralph de la Vega) recently said this:

“We’re going to try to focus on making sure we give incentives to those small percentages to either reduce or modify their usage so they don’t crowd out the other customers in those same cell sites,” said de la Vega according to a transcript of the conference. “And you’ll see us address that more in detail.”
“What’s driving usage on the network and driving these high usage situations are things like video, or audio that keeps playing around the clock,” he said, according to the transcript provided by AT&T. “And so we’ve got to get to those customers and have them recognize that they need to change their pattern, or there will be other things that they are going to have to do to reduce their usage.”

He's also said this:
"3 percent of AT&T users generate 40 percent of the traffic on the network"

This pissed off me and almost every other iPhone user. I'm paying (my work is now, yay!) AT&T $100 a month for service that sucks. Part of that is $30 for UNLIMITED data usage. I have the right to stream video all day everyday 24/7 365 as long as I'm paying $30. So NO I'm not going to go along with any "incentives" and I'm definitely not going to "curb my data usage." AT&T needs to keep expanding their network until it can handle all the traffic. Once they clear up THEIR problems, MORE people will get iPhones and pay $100 a month for them. Considering the #1 reason people aren't getting iPhones is because of the network, AT&T should see this a a priority.

Anyway, there is this blogger who pretends he's Steve Jobs. He blogs as if he IS Steve himself. He has a great sense of humor and really captures Steve's image or at least the image I imagine him to be. He recently wrote a long (but worth reading) post about a "conversation" he had with an AT&T's Randall Stephenson about the recent quote by Ralph de la Vega. It's very, very funny and even though it's meant to be humorous "Steve Jobs" makes some really good points.

Click HERE to read it, and leave me comments as to what you think.

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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Crazy Spiral Lights Over Norway

I hope this has nothing to do with the LHC! I've E-mailed my contacts there, I'll let you know if they respond with a statement....
Click HERE to see a summary of the crazy lights over Norway.
I hope it's a giant hoax, cause if it isn't then it's super nutty!

UPDATE: Few! Looks like it was just a rouge Russian rocket that went out of control. They are of course denying it.
Click HERE to read an article on what happened.

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