Thursday, September 15, 2005


It looks like something I never though I'd do, is semi fun and a good money maker. This Sunday I'll be shooting my second wedding with a few more potentials coming up. While at work yesterday my boss got a call about someone wanting to shoot a wedding. She was just about to leave for Los Angles for the weekend and decided to throw it to me. Sweet! The person doesn't mind that I'm a beginner and looks forward to seeing what I can do for her. I in the meantime set my rates and am ready to hit all these full on. I'm charging $220 an hour for myself and then adding travel and good old flash batteries. Then prints are coming from an online site where I set the prices. Hopefully my pictures will sell.

My first wedding which was last weekend went off with out a hitch. Despite the super harsh lighting conditions I was able to get some semi decent shots. I don't think the results are amazing but I've always been fairly hard on myself. I also know I can do better. Here is the link to some of the pictures I took. Let me know what you think and throw my name out if anyone is looking for a photographer :-) I went all out and had some generic business cards made up as well as paying for the print site where I know I can get good results as well as make some money.

I'm getting in to things at work and will hopefully be making a little money there also. Sara is in the midst of job interviews and has already had an offer. It's okay pay with great benefits but she is still waiting on other jobs. Jobs, that seem to fit her fancy and seem better suited for her. It's nice to know there is something on the back burner if needed though.

This weekend Sara's little sister is having a birthday bash which should be fun. Lin and Chad are coming up to celebrate and visit a little, it will be nice to see them both. Now I just need to plan times to go to Providence to see the Bike and Build crew as well as Ithaca to see old friends. I guess the determining factors are when I can afford gas to get there. Hopefully, the weather will clear and I'll be able to bike tomorrow!

Ride on!

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