Friday, November 20, 2009


He does make a good point, and if he hadn't already, I would have written the same post, hahaha.
In all my posts I was also joking...mostly....but now I'm also not sure....
Again, sorry Chan, haha
Click HERE to read the Gizmodo article.

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Here we go again!

Who want's to make bets that it breaks again before they do some real tests? Anyone?
I'll take that bet, 2012 is closer and closer....
Take a look HERE at all the Big Pictures of the collider.

(Maximilien Brice, © CERN)

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Really Funny!

At least it's funny to me, especially if it's real...
Click HERE to read the post on

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Choose Your Own Adventure

I used to LOVE Choose Your Own Adventure or CYOA novels as a kid! I would read them over and over again, always making different choices to keep things interesting. I saw this article about CYOA books and it brought wonderful memories flooding back. Click HERE to read it. It reminded me of how much I loved those books, I wonder if they are popular with kids today? Any mom's out there have kids that still read these?

As the article mentions, it seems during their time they were looked down upon as not acceptable literature. I disagreed then and disagree now. They did everything a parent would want. The kid was kept busy for hours, it activated their imaginations, and lastly they were reading! Good literature or not, I think I might go pick one up and read it for old time's sake.

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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Not much longer till 2012...

That darn collider, it's just one thing after another! I wonder when it will actually get back online? Hmmmmm....

Click HERE to read how a bird screwed it up this time.

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