Friday, May 29, 2009

East vs. West...East Wins!

So I found this very funny, and very true list about things East Coasters observe when coming to San Diego.
Click HERE to read it. They almost ALL fit my roomies and I to a T, and I fully agree with #9 even though I'm a Red Sox fan. Because I became a fan when I was a little kid and went to a game with my Uncle and Father at Fenway, not in 2004.

It got me thinking of writing a list of things I miss about the East Coast living here (in no particular order):

1. Weather
Sorry, I know you East Coasters are going to want to kill me for saying that. Rain mostly, big huge summer thunderstorms. I miss the smell, before and after, of a summer storm. I've been here 3 years and can count on one hand how many times it's rained. Which reminds me, the definition of rain hear is VERY different. They call fog rain out here. I also miss the other seasons, Spring, Fall, and Winter. No waking up to the beautiful quiet of a fresh snowfall, no jumping in leaves.

2. Driving Skills
I miss being around people who know how to drive. I'm talking simple normal things, like how to use a turn signal. And when someone is getting on the highway you move over for them. Just normal things. I actually miss Jersey and Masshole drivers. At least they know HOW to drive, they are just very aggressive. It's like everyone out here is so laid back about driving.

3. Food
Now, obviously Dunkin Donuts is the first to come to mind. I just really, really miss the coffee, not to mention doughnuts. There is good news though, I think they are coming in the CA market soon! Also good pizza, Chinese Food, and Grinders. When I first got here, some friends said they were going to Subway, and asked if I wanted anything. I replied with "Sure, a Turkey Grinder" They looked at me like I was nuts and told me "Sorry, they don't have grinders at Subway out here." Hahah

4. Hard Core People (Please see #4 and #2 on the above LIST.)
This is a tough one to explain, and I'm not trying to offend anyone. Lets just say you take a guy and girl from NY or Boston and put them up against a guy and girl from San Diego, San Diego wouldn't win. When you grow up in the East Coast you just have an edge to you that can't be explained. Everything is right up front and out there. Thats one reason I would never raise kids out here.

Thats all I have for now, and again I'm not trying to offend anyone. I love living here, and I'm obviously biased because I grew up in CT.

I can tell you one thing, I've never had so many friends come visit me, and that says a lot!

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Friday, May 01, 2009

Going ons...

I know I haven't updated, but I was inspired by my cousin Abby who was able to post even amidst her own epidemic.

The wedding planning is going great, we are are actually ahead of schedule already having the Church and reception hall booked. We are very excited and set the date to JUNE 12, 2010. The biggest problem we are having is trying to cut down the guest list. It's a horrible predicament because you want to invite EVERYONE, all friends and family, but it's just not financially possible. So we continue to widdle down the list. It might end up being a family only event, haha, sorry friends. We DID finish our wedding website, it's a great way for guests to keep up on information for the wedding. We looked at a few sites that offer "free" wedding website hosting. We settled on and if you uncheck a lot of those "Send me E-mails" boxes it's pretty vendor junk mail free. Anyway here is the site:

Feel free to sign out guest book!

Also two things in the funny news department, I was on TV this morning on the local news channel that did a story about WD-40, they basically just used me for shots spraying WD-40 on stuff, haha. I'll try to get the video and embed it in this post.

Lastly, just because it's a theme on my blog here is a video John Stewart did about the LHC, haha:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Large Hadron Collider
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Economic CrisisFirst 100 Days

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