Friday, December 03, 2010

The Shave

Haven't posted in awhile, sorry. Thing have been great, a lot's happened. Amanda got an amazing job at in the PR department as the lead of their social media department. So make sure you like them on facebook and follow them on twitter! She also got into Boston College's MBA program!! She's supper excited and starts in January.

I've been busy with work, all of our Benihana systems now sell products. We also have custom software running marketing campaigns for Toyota at the Meadowlands Stadium, Duracell in NY, and Charmin in NY. They were all fun to work on and I'm looking forward to more big projects. Also you can't really beat working from home!

Other then that...I shaved courtesy of the straight razor Chan got me as a wedding gift...
(Not sure why the beginning screwed up, something wrong with the uploader)

The Shave from Todd Byron Johnson on Vimeo.

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