Friday, February 13, 2009

Doomsday Update

I'm sure my friend Chan is getting annoyed at my posts playing on unlikelihoods and peoples emotions, but here is another discovery I'm not liking.

Awhile back I posted a conversation between Chan and I about how they decided if it's safe to turn on and test the LHC. You can read the conversation and post HERE. Basically, scientists of the world decided to turn on the LHC if the chances of the LHC destroying us was LESS then the chances of a comet hitting us and destroying us.

Read HERE. Did they take these 3,000 puppies into account when they made that decision? So I guess there are about 3,000 "invisible" comets zinging around and we, humans, can only, or have only seen 25 of them. So my question is when they figured out the probability of one hitting us were they 25 "invisible" ones included in the equation or 3,000?

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

LHC Postponed and Chickenpox

See HERE the LHC turn on is postponed AGAIN. I'm just wondering are we going to keep seeing these articles until 2012? Hmmmmmm.....

Okay, so I've been hearing a lot about Chickenpox. Now let me pre notify you that I didn't do any research on the subject, just writing based on what I've learned in life and school. So if I'm way off base, feel free to comment. Two things I know, having them as a kid wasn't so bad (for me), having them as an adult is horrible (I don't really know).

I don't think we should be vaccinating people for Chickenpox. Here is why. As a kid you get chickenpox and it's kind of a rite of passage. Once you have it, you have somehow, in your own head become super human, you now can never get it again! If your around someone who has it you confidently would say, "I can't get it, I'm immune!" knowing all the power but not knowing why this happens. You do get some very itchy bumps and for some people it's pretty painful, but you also get to stay home from school! Once I was old enough I would learn the reason you don't get it again is because you are again and again exposed to it just enough to re ignite your immune systems natural defense. That makes sense, even as an adult your usually exposed to it from all the kids, or friends with kids.

Now we vaccinate the children. They don't ever get to feel that awesome immunity power, having fought through the virus and come out the other side immune. Not to mention they won't ever get those extra days off school. But the problem I have, again I didn't do any research, is that won't this cause a huge problem up the chickenpox chain? If the kids don't ever get it, but a few still do, then the adults won't be exposed to it over and over. Not being exposed won't cause an immune system re ignition. Then if they ever are exposed to it as adults they will get chickenpox then shingles. There will be huge losses of work, and the older the person the more likely it could cause death.

So I say stop the vaccinations and save some lives.

Also feel free to tear apart this argument...

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Thursday, February 05, 2009


I love when it rains, cause it's acutall weather. And we only get it a few times a year. And yeah I know everyone else is cold but you really do miss weather.

I hate when it rains because no one can drive in it here, so I can't get anywhere cause of all the accidents.

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