Scranton, PA 2
Bike: Not today!Build: We woke up around 6 am to a semi cloudy day. We wouldn't be riding today an that was wonderful, after yesterday everyone needs a break.
We went a little south of Scranton to work at a habitat restore. A restore is a place where contractors can get rid of stuff for free. For example, if someone wants their kitchen redone a contractor takes out all the cabinets and sink, etc. Normally they have to pay to get rid of it, but Habitat will pick it up and bring it to their restore. There they clean it up and re sell it for a profit. The general public can come there for building supplies at a discount. All the money made is then used for Habitat houses or expenses. They are very successful and help raise a lot of money.
We just moved a bunch of stuff around and took it easy. The best part was we were able to break a lot of glass windows in a dumpster! Tomorrow we ride again and head on to Seattle! Billy is going to ride with us as well as Vaughn's Aunt and Uncle who are also bringing us to a buffet tonight, sweet! Good day.
By the way if you want to send me and or Sara mail we would love it! Even just a note of encouragement! You can click on my link to the left call Send me Mail to read how to do it. Thanks!!!
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