Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Kent, NY

Kent, CT

Total Distance: 57.15 Miles
Ride Time: 4 hours 40 Min
Average Speed: 12.64 mph
Max Speed: (before lunch) 50.8 mph (after lunch) 52.3 mph (now I have a new record to break)

Bike: Today was killer. I don't know why but it seemed a lot harder. I thin it's cause there were tons more hills. Both up hills and some amazing down hills as you can see by my max speed :-) The trip was fun, we stopped at a post office and talked about the trip with someone. It was good to get the word out. Finally at the end we made it to Kent falls. Not really falls at all compared to Ithaca but still beautiful. It was nice to wade around in the cold water. On our way out Sara's parents pulled in and met up with us. We rode the 5 more miles into Kent and went to the Kent School. It seems to be a private boarding high school. As we got there a crazy storm was approaching and we had to try to get everyone stuff out of the trailer before the rain hit. The van went to pick up anyone that was still riding. We went out to a wonderful dinner with Sara's mother and father which was a perfect way to end a hard day. Highlights of the day were as follows. I hit 52.3 mph which was really cool, trying some unprocessed cows milk that was bought from some farmer who sells it. (Tastes like butter, but it's amazingly good!), and finally dinner. They school obviously didn't have internet and I am going to bed at 7:30 so keep an eye out for pictures and more posts. Sorry, I probably freaked everyone out by not posting. If I don't post once and a while don't worry, if I don't post for a month worry.

Build: It's estimated that 9,900 of Rhode Island's rental units have physical defects, including: Rodent infestation, lead exposure, faulty wiring, inadequate heating systems, plumbing problems, and lack of major appliances.
Most of our money from this trip goes to fund one house in Rhode Island.

Ride On!

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