Wednesday, September 26, 2007


First, a random thought: Here is a cool thing Google made.  It's a slide show of all the pictures being uploaded to their blog servers.  It's called Google Play. Its amazing to watch what people are uploading at any given time from all over the world.

I'm going home this weekend for my Nana's services.  She recently passed away, basically of old age.  She was a very active older woman and losing that activity really frustrated her.  She did all she could to fight off old age but, the thing that got to her the most was the loss of her memory.  Her passing is sad, but also has many positives.  First, she is free.  Free from the body that was slowing her down as well as from the mind that couldn't recall her memories.  Second, during the weekend I'll be with family I wouldn't otherwise see, and I'll be able to spend more time with cousins.  It will also be nice to remember my Nana's life with everyone.  She was amazing, and I'm sure you can't find a more giving person.  One interesting thing she did for many years was keep a written journal of her life.  When my cousins and I were little we would always sneak a peak at the entries.  As well as stare in amazement at the stacks of them on her shelf.  Wondering how anyone could possible write that much!  As morbid as it sounds, when I was little I always a little excited to one day have all those in a collection.  A slice of my grandmothers life to always remember her by.  

Every time Nana was around when we were kids, wether is was us at the camp, or her at our house for the holidays, she would sing us lullabies goodnight.  One year we had her come down to a friends recording studio in Hampton, CT.  We recorded those songs so we would always have them.  The friend that helped us record them also put it to music for us.  I've put them online to hear and download.  For those that want to, feel free to listen to Nana's Lullabies.  The first half is her solo, the second half is her with the music.  If you want to download it to keep, just click up top on Download File.  As a kid you don't realize how cool it is to hear a lullaby; until your older and you are at the camp and some part of you feels like you can't sleep until you hear them.  It's just one more slice of Nana's life that will forever be preserved.

Amongst my sadness, I'm looking forward the joyful reminiscing of my Nana's life.

Sing on!

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shout Out!

So for work Amanda needed to make a blog, we'll everyone at her work does. They are using it to learn about blogs and how it could help or hurt their PR clients. Anyway it's a competition to see who can get the most readers. To help her out, here is a little shout out:

Bookmark and read often!

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Those Days...

We'll today was one of those days.  Lets first go back to last night so there is some background.  I was at work until 1 am.  Why you ask? Salary, thats why. I get paid salary therefore I work when they need me too.  We have a huge project coming up which is basically Santa Photos at malls.

Heres how it will work.  It's going to be a huge setup that will surely dazzle the kids and parents alike.  They will walk up, put their letter to Santa in a mail box.  It's no normal mailbox, when opened it will shoot snow and take two pictures of the kid.  Next they go to a station where they push a button to find out on an meter if they are naughty or nice.  Again two pictures are taken and they go for the finally where they sit on the one and only, or maybe there are a bunch across the country, Santa's Lap.  There two to four pictures will be take of the smiling, hopefully, youngsters.  All we have to do is make sure it all works.  The mailbox and naughty/nice are all going to be regulated with a USB input/output box we wire up to closures out in the set.  All these pictures will be organized with barcodes for each customer.  This is also our job.  Anyway, back to last night.  The people paying us, a lot, to design this system are coming today.  They are coming to see this system and there money at work.  So the programer and I were here all night working out the bugs.

This is why my day is "one of those days" I got home and parked my car went to bed.  I woke up late 9:38 am when I was supposed to be THERE at 9.  One of the perks of salary is I can get away with this, no problem.  Only, I have dirty clothes to put on, run to my car to see a $65 parking ticket for being 39 inches in the red zone.  Drive to 7/11 get coffee which I spill on my clothes.  Finally at work I begin testing again...I'll let you know how it turns out.

Test on!

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Look

As you can see I have updated the overall look of my blog.  I featured the beautiful San Diego skyline's beautiful and thats where I'm living.  I'm probably going to tweak it here and there but let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Hip Hop

Long time no blog, but I guess when there isn't much going on there isn't much to blog about. 

Since I've already stated I'm boring, and this was my bike and build blog.  Here is a blog from one of my friends on the trip.  He is in Japan right now, is a really good writer (What can Brown do for you?) and has a very similar sense of humor as I.  As a result I think you'll enjoy Nates Blog.

As for me, I'm still in San Diego.  I am still at TriPrism Inc. and recently just got a much needed and hopefully deserved raise.  I decided to sell my totally sweet MazdaSpeed 3 and get a Honda Fit to be a little more frugal as well as environmental.   The Fit is great, tons of space despite what you may think and I've been getting 33 mpg.  It's rated up to 38 on the highway. The most impressive part to me is I can fill the tank for $25 and go about 330 miles.  As sad as I am about losing my speed demon , I think it was the right thing to do.

Sadly, my last grandmother living, Nancy G. Johnson, recently fell and broke her pelvic bone. The trauma has in a way helped her decide it's time to go.  She is currently at my Aunt Marthas house and if anyone knew her I'm sure she would love a visit or card at my Aunts, just E-mail me at and I'll send you the address.  Personally I think she wasn't happy living the way she was, she has always been a very independent woman who didn't like to rely on anyone.  She spent her golden years staying in great physical shape.  Unfortunately, like a lot of people it was her memory that went before her body and I think that really saddened her.  As of right now she is very comfortable, surrounded by loved ones, and in everyones thoughts.  When the time comes she will be free, and like my cousin  Jenny said, "...she'll get all her memories back."

I'll keep everyone posted, and like I always say, but never do, I'll try to update this more often.

On a lighter note, in the hip hop world a lot of albums came out recently.  Common, Talib, and tomorrow, 50 Cent, and Kanye.  I've already given Commons-Finding Forever and Talibs-Eardrum a quick once over.  I never could say weather I like an album with out listening to is constantly but so far so good.  I'll post after I've listened to them incessantly.

Hope all is well, feel free to drop me a line, text, facebook, e-mail.


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