Monday, September 10, 2007

Hip Hop

Long time no blog, but I guess when there isn't much going on there isn't much to blog about. 

Since I've already stated I'm boring, and this was my bike and build blog.  Here is a blog from one of my friends on the trip.  He is in Japan right now, is a really good writer (What can Brown do for you?) and has a very similar sense of humor as I.  As a result I think you'll enjoy Nates Blog.

As for me, I'm still in San Diego.  I am still at TriPrism Inc. and recently just got a much needed and hopefully deserved raise.  I decided to sell my totally sweet MazdaSpeed 3 and get a Honda Fit to be a little more frugal as well as environmental.   The Fit is great, tons of space despite what you may think and I've been getting 33 mpg.  It's rated up to 38 on the highway. The most impressive part to me is I can fill the tank for $25 and go about 330 miles.  As sad as I am about losing my speed demon , I think it was the right thing to do.

Sadly, my last grandmother living, Nancy G. Johnson, recently fell and broke her pelvic bone. The trauma has in a way helped her decide it's time to go.  She is currently at my Aunt Marthas house and if anyone knew her I'm sure she would love a visit or card at my Aunts, just E-mail me at and I'll send you the address.  Personally I think she wasn't happy living the way she was, she has always been a very independent woman who didn't like to rely on anyone.  She spent her golden years staying in great physical shape.  Unfortunately, like a lot of people it was her memory that went before her body and I think that really saddened her.  As of right now she is very comfortable, surrounded by loved ones, and in everyones thoughts.  When the time comes she will be free, and like my cousin  Jenny said, "...she'll get all her memories back."

I'll keep everyone posted, and like I always say, but never do, I'll try to update this more often.

On a lighter note, in the hip hop world a lot of albums came out recently.  Common, Talib, and tomorrow, 50 Cent, and Kanye.  I've already given Commons-Finding Forever and Talibs-Eardrum a quick once over.  I never could say weather I like an album with out listening to is constantly but so far so good.  I'll post after I've listened to them incessantly.

Hope all is well, feel free to drop me a line, text, facebook, e-mail.


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