Monday, April 24, 2006

Wall Raising!

Finally! We went to Providence this last weekend to help work on the house we spend all summer riding for. The whole house is being funded by money from our trip. It was nice knowing that and also being able to raise a wall on it. Putting in some actual physical labor on the house was a nice way to finally wrap up something like a bike and build trip. Here is a video of it.

After that we spent some quality time with the Brown students on their Spring Weekend. It was a great time. We even learned a new and weird drinking game, here is a bad quality video of it. I'll have to explain. Everyone stands in a circle and someone starts by putting there hands into the air and yelling WA! Both people on either side of them then take there hands like they are chopping them down and yell WA! Then the person who's hands are in the air send it to someone else by pointing and yelling WA! Then it repeats until someone messes up and is eliminated from the circle, they also have to then drink some beer. It sounds crazy and it is. But for some reason it is very, very fun.

After such a great weekend I had a bad case of the Mondays today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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