Appartment/NY vs. CT
We are semi moved into our new rental house. It gets more and more exciting as furniture is added. The only major purchase so far was a bed, which hurt a little to buy. I am told they last, so we'll see. I'll try to get pictures up as soon as I remember to bring my camera with me.In other exciting news I was pulled over this weekend. I had a headlight out, which I knew about and was getting fixed the following day. Well the nice officer asked a few more questions and realized I was now living in NY, oh no! I guess there is some law that says 30 days after moving to NY you HAVE to get a new drivers license and register your car in the state. I guess your just supposed to know this somehow. Anyway, the nice officer let me know with a ticket which I'll go to court for and probably get out of, I'll keep you updated. Why haven't I changed my license and registration? Two reasons, CT pride and the Yankees. I wanted to try to avoid being officially associated with the state that houses the Yankees, especially after recent trading events. Also I like CT and want to continue to represent. So a little FU to the law and state, but most of all the Yankees, I will change my registration and get a new license because I have to. I won't use my license though, unless I am pulled over by another one of New Yorks finest. I'll continue to represent CT in every other ID instance until at least 2012 when my newly renewed CT license expires. Hopefully CT and NY's DMV computers aren't connected.
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