Riverton, WY
Total Distance: 115.49 milesRide Time: 6 hours 31 min
Avg. Speed: 17.82 mph
Max Speed: 33.3 mph
Bike: Today was epic, 116 mile day in 103ยบ weather. A bunch of people decided to make it a race and much betting went on the night before. We awoke early, 4 am, to prepare for the long day. We packed, cleaned and were out early, 5:30 am. It's an amazing sight riding out that early as the sun is barely peeking over the horizon. The air is cool, the wind is down, and the riding is fast. All that made this morning wonderful and quick. We didn't even realize we had gone 38 miles when we came across the first town. The day was accomplished by setting small goals though out the day. A gas station in Powder River, lunch at 65 miles, and a place that has world famous malts at 98 miles. The malts were amazing by the way. Soon we were at our destination and it was only 1:30 pm. We missed most of the heat and I made it the whole way with only a flat tire, punctured by a staple. The camp site is nice and tomorrow we have an amazing 30 miles to go. The rockies are looming in the foreground and I suspect will pose quite a challenge when the time comes.
PS-Thanks for the awesome mail drops!! Lin and Dad, Sara and I both loved your letters. Jackie we spent the whole night playing with glow sticks and bubbles!! Thanks!
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