Lincoln, MT
Total Distance: 59.01 milesRide Time: 4 hours 2 min
Avg. Speed: 14.75 mph
Max Speed: 44 mph
Bike: Today was really short. It went pretty fast even though we had a pretty serous mountain pass in the morning. It has some very beautiful views though so it helped. I ended up ridding with Stewart and Seema, and Sara not far ahead. Lunch was nicely at the top of the pass and after lunch it was all down hill. There is not a more amazing feeling then pushing your hardest up a hill at 7 mph and then flying down the other side at 40 mph. The road was really curvy and with the added speed it was just awesome! We arrived in Lincoln and our first stop was a really good malt place that also happen to have exceptional corn dogs! We heard about a world famous jerky spot and rode our bikes the extra 2 miles to get to it. They had free jerky sampling, including buffalo. The owner liked us so much he told the clerks to give us 20% off everything. Nice place, and amazing jerky. The lady that was at the church was super nice and when I have time I'll tell you about some of her amazing stories. She actually gave the unabommer a ride once and awhile into town to shop. He lived in Lincoln out in the woods, pretty freaky. For dinner my group and I made a massive amount of macaroni and cheese. Not the box stuff but home made, it was really good and we had enough left over for lunch the next day. Pretty sweet!
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