Saturday, June 11, 2005

Towanda, PA

Distance: 67.37 Miles
Ride Time: 4 hours 51 min
Avg. Speed: 14. 11 mph
Max Speed: 45 mph

Bike: Billy Kern a friend from Ithaca rode with us today, which was really fun. We actually rode through his really small town, what are the chances. He was like our own personal tour guide along the trip. The morning flew by and next thing you knew we had done 40 miles and were at lunch. We had a small lunch and keep moving. Down the road Sara's tire went flat and some guy stopped to help. He also told her and Jess a different way to go to the camp ground. We took that road and ended up being the first ones there, it was a huge short cut and an amazing road. It was a very small road that ran parallel to the river. The trees even covered the road giving us ample shade. I guess our short cut also cut out most of the hills which was awesome. A lady and her daughter decided to have a huge picnic for us which was awesome! We had burgers and dogs. After dinner they also hooked us up at the local theater with $3 movies. It was one of those really old theaters, balcony and all. We saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith which wasn't too good aside from Angelina Jolie was hot. We get to camp tonight, 5 to a tent. It's a nice night, in a nice campground right along the river. Tomorrow will be hard trip with lots of hills, should be a blast!

Build: 13% of the American population is below the poverty line. A huge majority of their expenses are for housing that is usually not decent.

Ride on!

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