Monday, May 02, 2005


The weather hasn't been the most cooperative recently for riding. I know I'll be riding in the rain over the summer but I'll wait until then to experience that.

It was semi nice yesterday so Sara DeCotis, who I refer to as Decotis for all of you that don't know, went for a short ride. She hasn't had much time recently so we just wanted to get back into the flow of things. We decided to do a small loop and then hit this really steep but relatively short hill. We make it to the top and decide to head down. I lead. I fly down it and get to the bottom where I catch my breath and look back. Decotis is no where to be seen! I start freaking out and begin to ride back up the hill, I'm in the hardest gear so it takes me awhile to get there. I see her emerge from what looks like the woods. She seems okay.

What happened was she has really small hands so when we started flying down the hill she wasn't comfortable enough because she felt like she couldn't brake hard enough to stop or slow down so she headed up a side road to slow to a stop. We figured out if she holds the lower part of her handle bars it's very helpful and we continue on our way.

Okay blog updates. I set it up so I can call a number and leave a voicemail which gets posted to my blog, so if I'm feeling it and I'm at the top of the rockies I can call and share that experience with everyone so keep an eye out. You just have to click it and it opens as an MP3, if you have trouble try downloading Quicktime from

I also set it up so I can just send an E-mail to an address and it will post it, like from my phone as a text message. So if it's a short message that's why. I also added an RSS feed if you know what that is you can use it. For everyone getting Tiger Apples new OS Safari will have built in RSS support! Let me know if my blogs are too long.

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