The Deal!
Just so everyone knows here is the deal.Sara DeCotis, my girlfriend, and I our going to ride our bikes from Providence, RI to Seattle, WA. It's about 3, 700 miles. We will be doing it in 9 weeks. To go we needed to raise $4,000 dollars that goes toward affordable housing. As we ride we stop once and awhile to help work on Habitat for Humanity projects. And the whole time we ride we are creating awareness about the desperate need for affordable housing in the U.S. and world. On my links on the left I am going to include some links to the Bike and Build site, including my trip roster, and my team list. Please look through this site and learn more about my cause and my incredible trip, it's almost guaranteed to be amazing.
For everyone who doesn't know the newest entry will be on the top of the window when you open it. Thanks. Share/Send