Thursday, January 15, 2009

Technology and Crash Landings

It's amazing how with all the technology we have these days how quickly news spreads. As most of you may know by now a plane crash landed into the Hudson river after hitting a flock of birds.

Almost immediately I saw someone's status on Facebook sending their prayers to the people on the plane.

After, I was on a tech blog I read and they already had a story up about how it's nice to know the rafts we hear about and read in our safety cards actually work.

How did they get this amazing image? From which is a site that really does nothing but update your "status." Similar to on Facebook it just says what your up to at that moment. You can update it tons of ways including your phone. So someone that was on a ferry in the Hudson posted this photo to their twitter which notified all the people they were friends with. You can see HERE how quickly the picture was spread around by how many views it had. And it's amazing at the quality and size of the photo coming from a phone, click it to see it HighRes.

It's just amazing how quickly all of these things happened. News and media were on the scene but no where close to as fast as real people were able to post stories and upload pictures. Now I'm blogging about it, news spreads fast.

Anyway everyone is okay and there are no deaths reported. Mad props, pun intended, to the pilot and crew who managed to safely land the plane in the river saving many lives.

UPDATE: The photo, which was taken by an iPhone, I was talking about from Twitter took down the twitter picture site because of the amount of hits it got, and how quickly it went viral.

"...TwitPic, an application that allows users to take pictures from their mobile phones and append them to Twitter posts, went down after at least 7,000 people attempted to view the photo of the airplane taken from a commuter ferry by Sarasota, Fla., resident Janis Krums...."

Which just goes to show how true my post is. HERE is an article about what happened to the site, haha.

Fly on!

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